The Benefits of Organic Garlic Seed

If you’re considering growing organic garlic, you’ve probably heard of organic garlic seed. But what’s the difference between conventional and organic garlic seed? What are the benefits? And is it worth the extra expense? In fact, organic garlic seed is so popular, it’s a leading source of organic garlic seed in the United States. Read on to learn more. The benefits of Organic garlic seed New York are plentiful, and you may even find yourself using it!
When planting your own garlic, make sure to use only certified organic seed, as this ensures a disease-free harvest. Organic garlic seed also has the added benefit of being suited to milder winter climates. Hardneck garlic varieties, for example, are typically larger than softneck varieties, with rigid center stalks and one single ring of cloves. These produce larger heads with less bulbs, and they’re known to have more complex flavors.
Once you’ve determined your budget, purchase some organic garlic seed. While you might find cheaper garlic seed in the supermarket, you shouldn’t buy it from a grocery store or farmer’s market, since it might have been sprayed with an anti-sprouting agent. In addition, you should also look for any signs of disease. Don’t plant garlic seed that has signs of disease, as diseases can be difficult to remove once they’ve gotten into the soil.
Before planting your organic garlic seed, make sure to prepare your soil well. A pound of garlic cloves produces seven to ten pounds of garlic, so be sure to plan your planting accordingly. If you don’t have a raised bed or container, make sure the soil is well-drained. Plant your garlic cloves in a row at least a foot apart. And remember, garlic loves full sun. If you’re growing garlic in a colder climate, you’ll want to mulch heavily with straw to keep it from freezing.